Technology Update: Sitefinity 8.1 Released - Exciting New Features

by Gregg Crystal Jul 28, 2015

Do you like to keep up with the trends?SitefinityVersion8.1

Do you like to implement new features to your company website to see the results?

Well, we have an update for you!

With the release of Sitefinity Version 8.1 comes many new updates for both the Content Management System (CMS) and Digital Experience Cloud (DEC). 

Version 8.1 provides solutions to current bugs you may be experiencing along with improvements to the Translation Module, Site Sync and Email Campaigns. 

Let’s explore and see how these new features can
help you!

If you’re an administrator, marketer and or developer these enterprise-level features are geared towards you.  Here is a look at the Content Management System (CMS) Updates:

Translation Management – You can now integrate with third-party translation vendors directly from the Sitefinity platform.  By using this feature it will reduce effort, save time and improve quality. This integration will instantly allow you to export and import content in XLIFF format which is supported by most translation agencies.  

Email Campaign Enhancements – Provides more control using interval-timed batch sending, improved usability and scalability and allowing integrations with hosted delivery services. 

Site Sync Functionality Improvements – Now allows multiple sync operations at once so the user can schedule more than one sync task at a time. 

Scheduling of site sync tasks gives the user the ability to see upcoming Site Sync tasks and sync history, showing a list of all completed sync’s which will include details on their scope and errors.

All these additions will extend the usage of Site Sync and will give greater visibility on future and past syncs.

Additional MVC Widgets – now available to assist developers with creating new applications and extensions that control the core CMS and its content while saving time.

Do you currently use the Digital Experience Cloud (DEC)? 

Check out these areas of improvement!

Upgraded Analytics - Conversion tracking and predictive analytics based on a specific demographic such as a job title or geographic location.

Flexible Visitor Tracking – Can now easily track visitors across subdomains and configure tracking for multiple website. This feature also allows for excluding traffic from specified IP Addresses.

Enhanced Integration – improved data import from, Microsoft Dynamics CRM and Oracle Eloqua using email address as the primary piece of identifying information.

If you are looking to upgrade to the newest version of Sitefinity, contact Inalign, Inc. today and we can assist you!

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