We often have leads ask how they can increase targeted website traffic.
We understand they are looking to not only get more visitors, but to make sure those visitors are actually interested in what the client has to offer.
All websites should be focused on targeted website traffic, instead of just getting more visitors.
Today, we'll discuss how inbound marketing can help you do that.
1. Speaks directly to your potential customer- From your keyword research you'll know what keywords you want to rank for, and these clicks will be targeted traffic from search engines.
2. Uses keyword research to learn what visitors really want- When you perform keyword research, you'll be able to select the best keywords for your products and services. This leads to you only showing up on the searches that will be specific to your offerings, making each visit as targeted as possible.
3. Helps you focus on promoting content where your personas already visit- Through persona research you spend time figuring out where your target visitor is already spending time online. When you know this, you'll be able to work on getting in front of those prospects where they already are.
4. Uses social media to stay in touch and promote related content to your followers- When using social media as part of inbound marketing, you are working on getting followers that want to hear from you. As you have something interesting to share with them, they'll become more likely visitors to your website and since they decided to follow you, they are already targeted.
5. Uses social competitors to find target customers to engage with- By tracking social media competitors you'll learn more about their followers and what is necessary to bring them to your own site.
6. Helps you optimize every piece of content for search engine traffic- The tactics of SEO used in inbound marketing help you specify which keywords you want to be found for, and increase your chances of being found.
7. Encourages guest blogging to reach new groups of potentially interested visitors- Another tactic of inbound marketing is guest blogging, guest blogging gives you the opportunity to get infront of related blog followings to bring them back to your own site.
8. Stays in touch via email to get return visitors- One aspect of inbound marketing involves email marketing. With smart email marketing you are encouraged to nurture leads, and bring them back to your website by sending them links, information and articles.
9. Regularly provides new content to entice your target market- By regular blogging and giveaway generation you'll be giving your visitors something new to read each time they visit your website. No one wants to visit a website that never changes, so as long as you keep generating more content, your visitors will return.
10. Focus on long tail keywords bring in visitors looking for specific and in-depth information- The first step in your keyword research is to find long tail keywords that you can easily rank for, while trying to build traffic and readership. Often called low hanging fruit, long tail keywords are highly specific to the searches your target visitors are looking for, making them targeted visitors for lead generation.
Summary of Generating Targeted Website Traffic With Inbound Marketing
Inbound marketing covers several online marketing strategies that bound together allow you to increase targeted traffic, generate qualified leads, and greatly shorten the sales buying process. While it takes time to put these strategies in practice and begin seeing results, the difference it can make to your business could be a real game changer.
If you'd like to talk more about inbound marketing, as a solution for your company, please click the button below, we'd love to help you make the right decision for your business.