Sitefinity Documentation - Enhanced with a Great New Look

by Stephen Horn Jan 05, 2015

For a long time Sitefinity has had pretty decent documentation. Some might argue at times it was hard to find what you wanted, and sometimes what you finally found was a little outdated.  Well, Telerik has gone to great lengths to improve on both of these issues, and we believe they have succeeded with the new and improved Sitefinity Documentation Site.

One visit to the site, and it is obvious that this is a well thought out site.  All the major topics you woudl want to know about are there at a quick glance.  

DocsPageTopicsA deeper dive into topics reveals lots of details, notes, and sometimes even embedded tutorial videos to help you out. Yet, all of this content is well structured and easy to read.  Notes are highlighted in a nice shade of green background that doesn't distract and provideds good points of interest within the topic. And finally easy access to other topics or sub-tpics from a quick nav menu on the left side of each page.


All of this is truly welcome! But perhaps the most welcome feature of all - Documentation Versioning!  That's right, not only can you browse topics, but you can do so by the Version of Sitefinity! While so far this only holds true for Sitefinity 7.2 and 7.3, it does demonstrate Telerik's commitment to continuing to make good documentation a priority.  This should alieve much pain in the future, for back end administrators, content authors, and even savvy developers!


 So go ahead, and give the new Sitefinity Documentation Site a look.  Not sure what topic you should look at first, head over to our 5 Things You Want to Learn in Sitefinity Training blog and get up to speed on what you should know!

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